Monday, May 7, 2012

Herbal vs Medicine

So what are your thought on using herbs to get rid of a disease rather than using medicine to just cover symptoms up for awhile??

It seems that when herbs can get ride of a disease, Dr's just give you medicine that really doesn't do anything but give you one problem after another thus needing more pills to try to get rid of the new problem.

Now I'm not saying that all medicine is bad. I'm saying that most of the time we don't actually need it especially when we can look for other ways to solve the problem and actually get rid of it. Why would you want to take something that can give you something else?

On most medicine bottles these days you can find "take one three times a day", may cause bleeding, ulcers, headache, nausea, blood in the stool etc..I mean do you really want that potentially with everything else that might be going on.

In my family we have always taken herbal medicine to sort our problems. I have not had something where herbs couldn't fix. Of course that doesn't mean never go to the hospital if something is really really bad. Antibiotics I feel are of use at times.

I do feel and know that there are herbs out there for all types of disease. I just feel that the Dr's and corporations don't want you to know about them because then how will they make any money if everyone is using herbs for everything. They want to keep you sick thus giving you medicine that doesn't really help or actually cure the problem. Knowing this they keep giving you stuff for you to take and again knowing you will need to keep coming back to them. In the end its one big circle and they and the corporations get your money without actually doing anything for you.

Even taking the step of changing what you eat could potentially cure/get rid of some of the problems that might be occurring that you are taking medication for. When in the end you didn't need medication at all. Again the most Dr's wont tell you this.

One thing I should mention with this thought coming from a much garlic is in your diet?? Garlic is a great natural antibiotic and can help with many things. Now I'm not saying just go eat a whole bunch of garlic but just to think about how much is in your diet and could you add more. Just by adding more garlic to your diet everyday could potentially save you time, money and taking unhealthy medication.

The time to act is now and to change your way of thinking and your diet. Trust me it will help and save you money as well.

To find out a bit more about herbs and what they can do check out the picture below and the link. Whats pictured is what used to be called "Anti Plaque" and is now named "Super Garlic Immune Formula" is used by me and others for

Bacterial Infection, Common Cold, Flu, Immune System Function, Influenza, Pneumonia, Sore Throat, Tuberculosis, Typhoid, Upper Respiratory Infection, Yellow Fever.

Find this and other great herbs and what they can do at

My family and I have been using them since I was little. Dr.Christophers has been around for quite sometime now and they know what they are doing. They have all types of herbs for pretty much everything. Talk to Kathryn if you need help or shoot me an email and I can also help you find your way. :)

Let me know your thoughts..Im sure there is a lot more I could add but I just wanted to keep it short and sweet for now :)


Venividivici said...

Another good post bro.

Unknown said...

Thanks bro ;)

Abby Normal said...

your pic of a spoonfull of vitamins is visually disturbing - I feel like I need eye bleach every time I see it, lol. Ugh - a spoonfull of pills?

Unknown said...

lol you mean is pretty disturbing..want some lol.

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